- Place a nameplate outside your house. This signifies ownership of the house and it acts in preferences of the proprietor as it assists positivism.
- Light the lamps and incense stick at the house every evening and morning. It removes all kind of harmful power and negative energy. It brings positive energy in your house.
- Make your Rasoi (kitchen) in the east direction of the home. If it is not possible, the west direction is the other good choice. Still, keep your cooking stove in the east corner.
- To stay away from all kind of harmful energy, negative power and evil eyes, keep a lemon in one glass of water.
- Protect your kitchen against all kind of negativity. You should keep the medicines away from the kitchen. This is because a kitchen signifies good health and joy, and medicine signifies bad health.
- The window should be in the east, north or northeast direction. If your windows in south, west or southwest, so the windows should always be closed.