What is Sarv Pitru Amavashya Tithi? Sarva Pitru Amavasya 2018 Puja Ritual | Shivology


What is Sarva Pitru Amavasya?

Shradh or pitra paksha

2 min read

What is SarvaPitruAmavasya ?

SarvaPitruAmavasya is considered auspicious to perform the Shraddha rituals This Amavasya is also known as MahalayaAmavasya, AmavasyaShradh or Sarvapitra Moksha Amavasya.

This is the last day of PitruPaksha. SarvaPitruAmavasya is suitable for those who are not aware of the death anniversary of their ancestors or they are unable to perform “PindDaan” and tarpan during other days of ShraddhPaksha.

According to the Hindu calendar, AmavasyaShraddha falls on the Amavasyatithi of the Krishna Paksha of Bhadrapada month.

On SarvaPitruAmavasya, the ancestors visit their home with a desire of tilanjali or Pinddaan and if someone doesn’t perform it, they go back unhappy.

It is believed that we have to face many problems in our life if our ancestors are displeased. Shraddha observed with rituals mentioned in the Scriptures brings welfare in one’s life.

Mahalaya is known as Shraddha. Maha stands for “day of festival” and “alaya” means “home”. If any family is suffering from PitruDosha, and they are not aware of the date of death of their ancestors so they can perform Shradha and tarpan with proper rituals on SarvaPitruAmavasya.


Date and Muhurat ofSarvaPitruAmavasya in 2018

SarvaPitruAmavasya - 08 October 2018 on Monday


ShradhMuhurat on SarvaPitruAmavasya

  • KutupMuhurat = 11:45 to 12:31
  • RohinaMuhurat = 12:31 to 13:17
  • ApaharanMuhurat  = 13:18 to 15:36

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