Get Kalash Sthapana Muhurat as per Name and birth details | Shivology


Get Kalash Sthapana Muhurat

Auspicious Muhurat Consultation

2 min read

The best time to do Kalash Sthapana according to your horoscope………you are curious to know this?? You must read this article.

What is all about kalash Sthapana –

Kalash Sthapana is one of the important rituals of Hindus performed in Navratri. This ritual is performed on the first day of Navratri (Ashwin Shukla Paksha) which is known as Kalash Sthapana and it is associated to goddess Durga. Kalash Sthapana rituals are performed in the northern and western part of India and also in Nepal. In this ritual, Kalash is filled with water, seeds and cow dung. To get growing plants, it’s essential to sprinkle water on a daily basis. When they get sprouted, they are distributed as Prasad. Eating this Prasad is considered very auspicious and sacred. In another words, it is the blessing of Maa

Kalash Sthapana Muhurat by Swami Gagan –

If you want to know what the right time of kalash Sthapana is, you must consult with us. Our Astrology Expert Swami Gagan provides you the best Kalash Sthapana Muhurat. You should avoid Nakshatra chitra and vaidhriti yoga during Kalash Sthapana. It’s advised that do not go along with Chogadia Muhurat to do Kalash Sthapana since our scriptures do not allow for this. You have to give your personal details like date of birth, time of birth, place of birth, where you live currently etc. if you provide wrong information then you cannot get Shubh Muhurat as per your horoscope.

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