Tulsi Mala
INR. 450 INR. 550
- Puja Vidhi available with the product
- Can be energized as per one's birth details
- Authentic and Original
For further information, you can contact us on +91-999955918
Tulsi Mala, which is in the family of basil, and is the most sacred of all wood in the Hindu tradition. Tulsi or Basil plant is worshipped in Indian temples as a living goddess.
One Hindu legend relates that Vishnu spawned Tulsi from the turbulent seas in order to help all mankind.
According to popular hindu belief, Wherever Tulsi is planted, the place becomes, sanctified as a place of pilgrimage and the sepoys of Lord Death dare not enter that place.
Benefits of Tulsi Mala:
- The wearer of this Mala gains health and peace.
- It maintains ritual purity and wards off evil.
- Tulsi is regarded as the 4th incarnation of supreme Goddess.
- According to Ayurveda, it is very useful in the throat disease.
- It gives peace of mind and reduces stress.
For more information, you can contact us on +91-9599955918
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